Inspired to Love
From brokenness, comes beauty.
Judah Clarke is a novelist who longs to share hope with a hopeless world and bring a smile where there wouldn’t ordinarily be one.

Judah’s Newest Book Release is Now Available!
This is a story of hope for those who’ve suffered through sexual abuse themselves or that of a loved one. It is a story of the system, real-life tragedy, the muddling through, and the surviving. There is a feeling of hopelessness for the victims of this crime. A feeling of guilt, shame, anger, hate, and horrendous fear. This story tells all of these ugly traits along with the natural humor of life itself in the midst of even this sort of horror. For those who don’t believe there is a God, you will find truth still in this story. For those who do believe in God, you will experience love beyond description and see angels at work in this crime; in this horrible event and you will see that survival is possible and even probable if you believe in yourself.
This book offers hope to the hopeless. It is based on a true story about a single mother and her two daughters after a divorce from a violent alcoholic father. The father remarries six months after the divorce is final to an alcoholic woman with three children in their teens. Visitation is not an option and the mother has to relinquish her two daughters under the age of six every other weekend to this new family she does not know. The nightmare begins and will last two and a half years before the mother finds out the truth of what goes on during the weekends her daughters are with the father’s new family.
About Judah
I began writing poetry when I was around ten years old. I have been writing about the world I live in ever since. I believe that we create our world with our words. My Father is the ultimate Creator and I long to be more like Him everyday. My goal here is to reach a specific group of silent victims whom no one hears, though they need to be heard. Victims of Sexual and Child Abuse walk through a dark corridor of shame and the fear of a little child no matter how old in years they may be. I have walked through this dark hall alone at times and now offer a hand to those who walk there now. I no longer walk alone. My Father walks with me wherever I go now. I have several books of Inspirational Poetry that I am preparing for this site! Pictures and samples will soon be available. If you would like a copy of Mercy Falls….simply email a request, along with an address to mail it to or an email address to send it or if you would like to make a donation to help me in this quest, please contact me.
You Are
I saw your peace, a distant hue
I felt it in the midst of fear
And clearly, I have found you here.
In a silent wind you blew through me
And touched a chord within my being
That played a melodious, poetic tune
I felt so light, like a rising balloon.
In a tortured child, too weak to fight
I saw Your tears, we saw a crime
No wonder You are angry still
Injustice lives and continues to kill.
In a thunderstorm I saw your rage
The wrath of God from a holy page
Though my heart jumped no small amount
I rest in knowing what power’s about
In a soaring dove, with soft, white wings
I saw Your strength and began to sing
O Righteous One, Holy and True
Without Your love, what would we do?
by: Judah Clarke
©2022 Judah Clarke. All Rights Reserved.
I Belong
In my sadness, I looked away, from everyone but You, Lord
And the memories I didn’t have, of a family’s love so true, Lord
I even broke my heart again, pining for my past
Even though I have today, the memories made me sad.
The shame confused me and covered me up
Though I looked to You to fill my empty cup.
In my desperation, I asked You why
Everything seemed awful; why my soul just cries
You gently said, “My daughter, I was here for you each day
And as your loving Father, I kept you when you strayed.
Jesus is your big brother; since you were born again
He gave you peace in turmoil, every time you needed Him.
It’s just when you look back, at evil’s tricks toward you
That you see all the agony of the love you never knew,
But isn’t My love better, than all the world’s combined
And don’t you know how special you are now that you’re Mine?
© 2001 Judah Clarke. Inspired to Love.
All Rights Reserved.
The Fight
Hold me in Your arms of grace
As I rest with You there
Hold me close don’t let me go
I need to know You care
The trees, the lakes, the mountains high
Cannot compare to You
Your love alone can make me safe
And show me what is true
My enemies surrounding now
Advance to tear my flesh
Defeat them for me, I’m so tired
Till none of them are left
I see the sword within Your hand
Make ready for the fight
I feel the darkness slip away
As I receive Your Light
© 2001 Judah Clarke. Inspired to Love.
All Rights Reserved.
Truly there’s a place for me
Beyond this veil of misery
In shadows dark I saw my shame
When all was never-ending pain
The only light I’d ever seen
Was far beyond my hopeless scream
And strangers walked upon my hope
Til I no longer even coped
Drowning in a sea of hate
You rescued me and sealed my fate
No longer would I search in vain
For we had met and I was changed
I felt You calm my deepest fears
Gave me peace for all my tears
Now I can see my place in You
Making all my dreams come true
The bliss of love from the curse of hate
Changed misery into perfect grace
© 2001 Judah Clarke. Inspired to Love.
All Rights Reserved.
Beyond The Hope of Us
The entire world cries out for You
Hoping to believe in the things You do
Amazing, God, You know me well
My deepest thoughts I never tell
A little child, You cared for me
Kept me safe, caused me to see
Miracles really do come true
Cause You helped me give my life to You
© 2001 Judah Clarke. Inspired to Love.
All Rights Reserved.
Customer Testimonials
“I wanted to thank you for your great customer service. I was able to get the information I needed and love the products. Thank you, Inspired!”
Noel Thane
Anchorage, AK
“I’ve really enjoyed your book, Judah. When will the prequill be released? I can’t wait!
Camilla Reed
Salt Lake City, UT